Thursday, August 28, 2008

Getting Close!

We just received this e-mail from our case worker.
The e-mail is followed by a short video of a ministry in Bogota.
The video is not our specific information, yet it captures the heart of God at work in Colombia.

Hi, Bill & Shirlene. I'm happy to be able to tell you that your dossier has been sent to the Valle regional office (the city of Cali) where there is a sibling group of 3. That's all we know at the moment. We don't know ages or genders or names or anything. Just that there is a specific group that your dossier was sent for.

Lucia tried to check on it, but the director of the Valle regional office is on vacation this week and due back sometime next week. Hopefully we can find out from her by the end of next week what kind of a timeline they are looking at for making the assignment. Sometimes regional offices will tell us a little about the children and sometimes they won't, so I won't promise you that, but at least we should be able to get an idea of when the assignment will happen.
I'm very excited for you. Good thing we already got you started working on those FBI and medical letters! Hopefully you'll be putting them to good use very soon.

God Bless,
Julie E.


daniel said...

ALRIGHT JONESES!!! I will be praying for you guys as you continue in this adventure. now that I know about the blog I will be able to keep up and have a reminder to pray for you guys and the new addition to your family!

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

This is so exciting!

Looks as if God is moving quickly with this adoption. You are a precious family for opening up your hearts and homes to three children.

Adoption is such a special opportunity to open up your hearts to a child in need.

May God bless this adoption, and may He use it to encourage other families to consider this precious gift.

The Thompson's

Brynn said...

Just making sure you don't feel lonely over here Mr. Jones... :)
Thats great news! I will be praying for you through this whole experience and looking forward to meeting the three new Joneses!!!

Anna said...

Hey guys,
In case you want to know more about how our move is going, we started a blog!
It's so exciting to see how your adoption is working out!

~Anna W