Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 08 Update

August has been a busy month as far as new information goes. First of all, the 2nd yard sale netted $1500 nearly matching the 1st one. Also, internet sales of the items "too good" for a yard sale are nearing $2000! So by the end of July, through the generous contributions, by you, of gifts and "junk" we were only $7000 shy of our estimated goal of $18,000.
The first week in August we heard from one of the adoption grant fund ministries. They told us that they wouldn't be able to help us. That was a setback in our hearts as we were tempted to waiver in our faith. Last Sunday we were talking about adoption finances and what to do next. Through our conversation it was apparent that God was increasing our faith that He is indeed
Jehovah-jireh (God will provide). The next day Matt checked the mail and found a letter from Steven Curtis Chapman's adoption fund, Shaohannah's Hope, granting us the remaining $7000!

God is good! Even if no finances are available, God is good. When we finally receive our children, God is good. If, tomorrow, He decides to take it all away...He is still good!

Secondly, we were supposed to hear from Colombia by 8/6/08 concerning our dossier. We would be approved, denied or more info would be required of us. That day came and went as our anticipation turned to anxiousness. Our adoption agency began calling Colombia every day to find out why the deadline had passed with no resolve. Last week it was discovered that the person who was handling our dossier had an illness in the family and was taking substantial time off of work. In essence our paperwork was just sitting on her desk. God is obviously in control of all events and is orchestrating them to provide the children He wants to be matched with us.

On Monday, 8/18/08, we received this e-mail from our adoption agency:

As of Friday, your dossier review was complete and your file was on the director's desk for her signature. Yeah!
The next thing they'll do is look to see where there is the right sibling group and then they'll send your dossier out for assignment. They may have one ready right away. Or we may have to wait a few weeks while they locate children who are legally free for adoption that match your criteria. But at least the review is over and you have been approved. Be sure you go out and celebrate!
God bless,
Julie E.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers specifically:
That God would grant mercy unto salvation to these precious children that will be Jones'.
That God would prepare them for the tremendous changes that are about to take place in their lives.
Travel mercies for all six of us
That God would use us to His glory in the lives of people we contact along the way.

Pray also for provision for physical needs that are not directly related to the cost of the adoption.
Some of these are:
We need to sell our 7 passenger van and find a bigger one, Bedroom furniture, Kitchen/meals prep items, Downstairs bathroom renovation, Age appropriate homeschool supplies, etc.

Bill, Shirlene, Nikki, Melissa, Matt, ?,?,?