Sunday, October 26, 2008

Andes Sunday

I love Sundays !
We went to the Baptist church compound and were blessed with brothers and sisters in Christ that know how to preach the gospel to our children. This has been the biggest barrier to language that we have been unable to overcome.
Last week the Sunday school story was Daniel and it was the Garden of Eden today. I do not know a lot of what was said, but trust that God worked through it. The worship was a challenge to enter into, but sensed The Lord´s presence. It was comforting and encouraging.
One man spoke some English and had a neat old car (a 57 chevy for the guys sake). He asked us to lunch, but our ride was taking us back to the B&B and the cook was preparing a meal so we declined.
After Lunch we were taken up into the foot hills of the Andes. Our driver/translator/neat lady Carmensa lives there with her husband on the weekends. It was incredible. The air was fresh(huge break) the scenery was lovely and there were flowers every where!! Azalas, Glads, Dalias, lilys, orchids, and lots we didn´t know what were. Some trees were green & leafy and others were bare. They said they just kinda drop and a few months later rebloom. Bill got to take a walk in the jungle. Carmensa´s husband collects orchids. He had a guabaya tree that had 60 orchid plants on it. The guys found a small one on thier walk, and lots too big, or too high to get.
We took several walks and stayed until dark when the city below slowly lit up like a Christmas tree.
Tatia slept in the car on the ride home. TOTALLY CRASHED!!
Fun, Beautiful and once in a life time day.
I love Sundays!!

Bill´s Jungle Trek
Ricardo suggested that he and I take a "small" jungle walk at the top of the ridge at Andes range one. He said it´s about 2 kilometers above sea level. Well, growing up in the woods near Jamestown NY, I knew my way around in the woods. After all, at first glance, this so called jungle looked merely like some of the dense vegetation my cousin Scott and I used to spend hours in near Dewitteville. So we left our party 9 sitting at the ridge and entered the wood.
Oh. My. Word.
I tried to camcord my walk but lost my footing in the first 20 feet and tumbled into a tree...thank God for that tree because the incline would have sent me headlong to a sudden decceloration injury before I had time to say "Mogli look out!"
When I recovered, Ricardo led me thru some of the deepest dense forrest I have ever seen. In the Andes they call it jungle. The floor was alive with green and unique vegetation. Ricardo often searches and recovers small and rare orchids with vines to plant in his garden. There would be no plant gathering today as we needed both hands to navigate the steep incline. He usually brings a satchel to collect plants.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Soooooo glad it was a refreshing Sunday!! But know that you were missed here at home, too!!!! :) We love the Jones and are SO EXCITED for you to have this special TIME!! Savor each moment ... sounds like you are! ;)
Love to you all,