Monday, September 29, 2008

God's Sovereign Hand

World magazine's September issue gave a report of the US government shutting down ALL adoptions between the US and Vietnam. The suspension took place on Sept. 1 and is indefinite. The decision dashed the hopes of hundreds of families that were waiting in line to adopt a child from Vietnam. We pray for these families as we also sing His praises for the work he has done in our adoption process. You see, a little over a year ago, Shirlene and I chose Vietnam as our country to adopt from.

We had originally chosen China, but that country also shut down adoptions in a similar way at the beginning of 2007. We then "got in line" in Vietnam along with hundreds of other American families that had been shunned by China. Because of the overwhelming number of applicants, the wait for Vietnam would have been 3 years. I say, "would have been" because last fall our adoption agency contacted us and offered the opportunity to leave our place in line and start the process moving to adopt from Colombia.

Our answer initially was a resounding "NO". This was not what we wanted. Shirlene had desired to adopt a little girl from China since she was a teenager. This path was becoming something we never would have envisioned. But as we prayed through the offer we sensed God was directing our path to Colombia. Then our adoption agency offered us 3 children instead of just one. And now, instead of essentially starting over, we leave for Cali in 2 weeks to receive our beautiful gifts from God. Hasn't He blessed us, time after time..

1 comment:

Christy said...

Congratulations on your beautiful children! We look back and see the same hand, in a different way in our own adoption. We hope to be not too far behind you as we are now awaiting our official ICBF approval and then wait for our referral of 3 kiddos. May God continue to bless you abundantly.